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RV Tips and Tricks
This page will provide information on picking the right RV, storage in the RV, Hooking up the RV, What to pull the RV with and much more information.
Number One Tip:
Do not tow more than your vehicle can handle! It is not safe for you, your passengers or others on the road. You also will not be relaxed driving down the road. The attached brochure will provide a guide to how much your vehicle can tow and other important towing information. It is provided by Trailer Life Magazine. Click on the photo to download the brochure.

My Favorite Tip so Far!:
Never did I ever believe I would spend money on a water filter! Well, not this much anyhow. We have always filtered our water coming into the fresh water tank. We have used our fresh water for washing things, bathing and obviously the toilet. But, we always carried bottled water to drink and use for cooking. I hated carrying all those bottles of water. There was never a good place to store them and I also hated spending the extra money on them, not to mention the environmental issues of all those bottles! So - we bought a Berkey! We decided to get a travel size. It filters about 1.5 gallons of water at a time. This is the perfect size for a camper - doesn't take up too much room and provides enough water for a family of two plus a dog. It is also a safety feature, if we happen to be boondocking and run out of water, with the Berkey we can filter pond water, water from a creek or well water we happen to find. Click on the photo of the Berkey to take a look at the site and choose which one is right for you.
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